Skylotec MILAN 2.0 HUB



A rescue system for lifting and lowering participants on ropes courses.

The MILAN 2.0 HUB is additionally equipped with a lifting function.  This enables an accident victim to be lifted across a short distance, in order to release the victim's lanyards, after which the victim can then be safely lowered by rope.  The new housing design improves handling for the accompanying rescue.  

The Super Static 9.0 static rope fulfils this requirement despite its diameter of only 9mm.  The packing size of the MILAN 2.0 HUB is small compared to ropes which are 10.5mm in diameter.  This is a major advantage, in particular, at great heights.


Max. no. of persons:  2
Max. rated load: 250kg
Abseiling speed: 0.9 m/s
Standards: EN 1496-A:2007 EN 341-A:2011


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